Call Answered: Vinny DePonto Interview: Mindplay
Jan 17, 2025
In December 2024, Mentalist Vinny DePonto's brilliant new show Mindplay, blew my mind, made my jaw-drop numerous times, and almost a month later, I am still wondering, "How did he do that?"
I was so enthralled and moved by his play, I didn't waste any time in telling my followers about the show and have continued to endorse it any time I see someone talking about it on social media.
I am beyond thrilled to be getting to chat with Vinny about his incredible show!
In this interview, Vinny answered my call to share:
- His inspirations
- Why he wanted to write Mindplay
- The most challenging part about writing this new show
- What memories get evoked while performing
- So much more
Connect with Vinny: Website, Instagram
Mindplay is created and performed by Drama Desk Award-nominated mentalist Vinny DePonto (Charlatan), written by Vinny DePonto and Josh Koenigsberg, and directed by Andrew Neisler.
Mindplay invites audiences to an unforgettable, gasp-inducing experience in which your thoughts and memories play a leading role. Infused with intrigue and mystery. Vinny guides participants on an interactive journey as he reads minds while also revealing his own.
Mindplay is currently running at The Greenwich House Theater in NYC's West Village through April 20, 2025! Click here for tickets!
L to R: Angelo Noto, Vinny DePonto, Adam Rothenberg
After seeing a performance of Mindplay
The Greenwich House Theater
1. Who or what inspired you to become a mentalist? You! No, really though, people. I’m a people watcher. I think since I was a kid. Honestly, I really can’t say the exact moment (probably not one particular moment).
I’ve been in love with performing since I was young and always wanted to be a puppeteer or actor. Magic kind of fell into my lap through my Dad (and his father, who I never got to meet). My Dad showed me tricks his father showed him. And I suppose the magic and the memory were passed down.
2. When did you first realize you had a gift for "mind games”? No real gift here. It’s a craft. I suppose I am lucky though growing up with a family who supported and encouraged me to pursue what I loved. That was the real gift.
3. Your newest show, Mindplay, is currently playing at The Greenwich House Theater in NYC. In addition to all the jaw-dropping, how-did-he-do-that moments, there is a very personal story being told, which you wrote with Josh Koenigsberg. What made you want to write this show together? I love Josh’s mind. He’s become a dear friend over the many years of working together - he was in my wedding party!
Myself, Josh, along with Andrew [Neisler], my director, all have a common language now. We read each other’s minds in a way. We are able to support each other and they help me craft something stronger than I could ever alone. I think it all sort of naturally came together after our success with our last show, Charlatan.
4. What was the most challenging part in writing Mindplay? A script. The mind is a funny place. Always changing. As soon as I wrote something for one city, by the time we’d get to the next, I had felt differently about it. Or back when we wrote it based off my show, Mind Reader, in 2016, it was a very different time from when we finally put it up at the Geffen Playhouse in LA in 2022. We had all been through a major world event that left us all feeling very alone. So the most challenging part is saying something static about an ever-changing landscape of thoughts.
5. The set of Mindplay is an endless room of drawers, which play a key role in the show. Have you had any set mishaps thus far or prior to your current NYC run? It is? You can see that too, huh? Well, shh, don’t tell anyone. But no, so far the only mishap has been that I can’t seem to hide it away.
Vinny DePonto on the set of Mindplay
Photo Credit: Chris Ruggerio
6. There is a LOT of audience interaction in the show. Do you have any crazy stories about something that went awry with an audience member that you didn't expect to happen? There are all sorts of people in this world. Many places within each of our minds. I don’t expect most things to happen in this show. Nothing has gone “awry,” but there have been moments the show has gotten longer because someone is speaking their thoughts out loud and sometimes they realize something about them and it’s emotional or silly or just real...
7. Without giving too much away, one of the props used throughout the show is an old-fashioned rotary telephone. If you could have any celebrity be on the other end of that phone, who would you want to talk to? Oh gosh. So many. I’d have to say Jim Henson.
8. There is a moment in the show that involves an audio cassette tape. If you could make a mix-tape of songs that you feel could be the soundtrack to Mindplay, what songs would you include on it? Well, we are. Lots of folks have asked about the soundtrack of the show - most of which are original compositions by my dear friend Alex Harris and myself. We spent a lot of time with the music as a way to shape a tone or atmosphere to enhance the experience of the show. So look out for that!
Vinny DePonto in Mindplay with audience members
Photo Credit: Chris Ruggiero
9. Mindplay also deals with one's memory. What memory gets evoked for you while performing that you don't talk about in the show? Since the conception of the show, so many things have happened in my life. But the memories I think about a lot are usually about my wife.
We met during the making of this. We do everything together. She was an integral part of the making of this show. Holding my hand while I explored the dark corners of my mind off stage. Helping me with the inevitable thoughts of “Will I be good enough?”, “Will people connect to this?”, “What if I’m not healthy enough?” She says to me often - you are strong, you are healthy, and you are not alone. And that is advice we live by.
10. In addition to being a mentalist, you are also an artist. What do you get from collage
that you don't get from mind reading? Collage is not done on stage or for anyone. It’s something I do to exercise creativity without limitations or a particular end. It’s something I zone out and try to tune into my intuition and just create. It’s just me communicating with myself, I suppose.
11. What is something we didn't get to talk about in this interview that you'd like my audience to know about you? I’d like audiences to come into the show without the expectation of it being solely a mentalism show or solely a “play.” It’s a show we made. It exists and then it doesn’t. It’s different every night, and because of that, it’s imperfect. Like the mind.
The theater is one of those places where we can be encouraged to explore our thoughts, fears, insecurities, and memories… together.
Vinny DePonto, Photo Credit: Justin Bettman
More on Vinny DePonto:
The work of theatre maker and mentalist Vinny DePonto uses a combination of psychological tricks, visual art, and immersive storytelling. His last Off Broadway show Charlatan was nominated for a Drama Desk Award for “Unique Theatrical Experience.”
His solo work has been presented by Ars Nova, American Conservatory Theater, American Repertory Theater at Harvard, Arena Stages, and the Geffen Playhouse. He is also a member of the Bessie-Award winning theatre group Third Rail Projects.
In addition to his live performances, Vinny’s consulting work was featured in the most recent production of Angels in America and Mother Play on Broadway, and in hit television shows on the Discovery Channel, NBC, and Netflix.
He enjoys burrata, colorful socks, and your deep, dark secrets. He currently lives in New York’s Hudson Valley.